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Tuesday, August 31, 2010
What Watch Winder Settings Mean Many manufactures, dealers, agents and sellers knowingly (or otherwise) hype-up their watch winder’s features. A low-end winder will sound great after a good marketing editorial write-up. Let me give you an example. Brand New Quality Quad Oak Finish Watch Winder + 10 Storage Fuzzy logic computer controlled Switch controlled mode Two winding plates run independently (only this model) Solid wood construction with Oak Finish Hand polished for high gloss finish Multi-layers of polyurethane coating Lock and key safety Quiet motor AC adapter included (110v-230v) or battery (D Cell required) Operation Winder Runs Clockwise and Counter-clockwise with Rest Period Winder will wind any automatic watches Adjustable cushion Dimensions L28cm x D24cm x H23cm Comes with one full year of parts and labor limited warranty Winder comes in 3 easy optimal settings: Mode 1: winder rotates 650 TPD with clockwise and counterclockwise Mode 2: winder rotates 850 TPD clockwise and counterclockwise Mode 3: winder rotates 1000 TPD clockwise and counterclockwise This is a quality winder with a correct turn per days. Most of watches only need 650 turns per day. Fuzzy logic computer controlled with rest period. This is not a low end winder that rotates continuously all day that will burn out the motor quickly. 1) You got it! This winder only has 3 TPD settings without Directional control 2) The TPD controls are only approximates and would eventually depend on the weight of the watch, its battery state (if batteries are used), and lastly equal or unequal weight balance in the winding plates. 3) Its doubtful if this unit actually winds continuously or not to achieve the set TPDs as the seller doesn’t state the winding sequence. 4) The unit may be a low-end chinese-made unit hiding behind a foreign sounding brand (brand name omitted). 5) Oak finish means the plywood or MDF has been laid-over with an Oak looking laminate and not real Oak. 6) Hand-polished for high gloss – hand-polishing will not attain uniform gloss. Machine buffing will do a better job. But anyway, it says the unit has received multiple coats of PU and this itself becomes brittle over time. 7) How limited is the warranty? Here’s another example... This watch winder has 5 different program settings. Knob program settings: 1st stop: unit is off. 2nd stop: winder will rotate clockwise for 2 minutes and rest for 6 minutes. 3rd stop: winder will rotate counter-clockwise for 2 minutes and rest for 6 minutes. 4th stop: winder will rotate clockwise for 2 minutes, rest for 6 minutes then it will rotate counter-clockwise for 2 minutes, rest for 6 minutes. 5th stop: winder will rotate clockwise for 5 minutes then counter-clockwise for 5 minutes. This cycle will repeat continuously for 3 hours then rest for 9 hours. Please take a look at provided images. 1. Is switching the unit Off and On a program setting? 2. In this example the seller impresses you with the “complicated winding sequence” but what is the end result of such sequence in terms of TPD? Let’s make a quick check. Assuming the rotor turns at 7rpm and the winder is set at 2nd stop. So for 2 minutes, the unit will turn 14 rotations clockwise. If this sequence carries on the whole day (1440 minutes), then the total number of turns would be 14 x (1440/8), where one cycle of the winding sequence is 2 + 6 = 8, giving us 2520TPD in a clockwise direction. The same goes for the 3rd stop but in a clockwise direction. In the 4th stop, the winder unit will have 1260 + 1260 = 2520TPD in both directions. In the 5th and last stop, the unit will provide a total of 1260 + 1260 = 2520TPD in both directions. In all, this winder only provides 2520tpd and have a selection for Direction of Wind. To me, 2520tpd is way too much for any timepiece! And finally, this comes from a China-made American brand watch winder. 3 Winding Modes > Winds CW 20mins – Rest 70mins, repeated 6 times then rest for 9 hours > Winds CCW 20mins – Rest 70mins, repeated 6 times then rest for 9 hours > Winds CW & CCW 40mins – Rest 50mins, repeated 6 times then rest for 9 hours From the looks, the first and second programs should result in equal TPD. But let’s find out what the TPDs are. This unit’s rotor turns at 7.5rpm, giving the watch 20 x 7.5 = 150turns in 20 minutes. This sequence repeat for 6 times (90x6 minutes), 150 x 6 = 900tpd in CW direction. Same goes for the counter-clockwise direction at 900tpd As for the last mode, the rotor turns CW & CCW for 40 minutes, meaning 20 minutes in each direction and then rest for 50 minutes. This will give 900 + 900 = 1800tpd for both directions. In other words, this unit has only the Direction selector but the TPD is fixed at 900TPD. This would be a better from all three units. So read all advertorials carefully and decide what you need when you do your research to purchase a watch winder. Ask the seller when you’re not sure of anything. Don’t be impressed with all the technical jargon thrown at you. Know also what your watch requires and if the winder provides these requirements. Buy a winder that fits your watch and not the other way round. Fact: It’s the Mechanism (Motor) inside that makes a Quality Watch Winder and not the lustrous exterior or its “complicated” winding sequence! Labels: Watch Winder Setting
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Sep 28, 2009
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