Electronic Parts for Homemade Watch WinderThese are the confirmed parts I’ve used for this project. This circuit is not commercially viable. Please DO NOT use this for other than your own personal project.

Parts List
R1 2K2, Carbon Film Resistor $0.05
R2a 1M0, Carbon Film Resistor $0.06
R2b 1M2, Carbon Film Resistor $0.06
R3 220R, Carbon Film Resistor $0.05
C1 220uF, 16V, Electrolytic Capacitor Free, got it from my junk pile
T1 2N2222, NPN Transistor $0.30
T2 2N3906, PNP Transistor $0.30
LED1 Power Indicator, any color, 3mm Free, robbed from my nephew’s toy
SW1 Rocker or Toggle Switch Free, taken from a junk HP printer
RS1 Slide switch, 2way $1.50
M Small DC Gear-motor, 6V Free, taken when shop staff wasn’t looking,
Just kidding. It’s from my junk pile.PCB Stripboard, Copper $1.20
BH Battery Holder, 4xAA $1.50
Total cost is (SGD)$5.02 with FREE parts were salvaged from my junk pile.
So with the above circuit, I’ll have a two TPD selection. The housing could be built using scrap parts too. It’s a simple way to demonstrate the working principles of a watch winder.
Labels: Circuits, DIY watch winder, homemade watch winder